About Us
Our team has a deep love for gaming as well as making video games. We know there are many great ideas out there, that remain just ideas because building video games demands much skill and coding knowledge. If you have a passion and a great idea, you should be able to turn it into a real game people can enjoy. We truly believe your story deserves to be told and enjoyed. That's why Play Crafters Lab was created. Our goal is to make game development as easy as possible and fun for everyone.

We are aware many beginners don't know where to start, and can be discouraged because developing a game can seem too complicated. That is why our interface is clear, concise and user-friendly. All tools you may need for your game are at your fingers and in one place. Our game builder allows users to create levels, game logic and amazing visuals and see their ideas come to life.
It doesn't matter if you're an absolute beginner, have some prior knowledge, or are an expert in the field. We provided you with time-effective intuitive tools that enable you to finish your projects quickly and publish them on a variety of platforms.